
Archival finding: ‘The Cinefication of a country’

In this Kinofiguration post at BLLOGU, we present a scan of an interesting archival text, published in the journal Përparimi. The article was written by Zhivomir Simoviq, a film critic who frequently collaborated with Përparimi, and was published in 1957. It analyses the problems of ‘cinefication in Kosovo’ and the repertoires of the cinemas of the time. There are/We have found many reports and discussions, especially from the 1950s, on the foundation of new cinemas in the country in relation to their influence on the education of the people.

You can read more on the concept of ‘cinefication’ in Kinofigurimi’s first entry at BLLOGU.  Just three years before the publication of this text, the same author also published a short article called “Dinar — The almost crucial moment in the politics of Bistrica Cinema’s repertoire” in the Rilindja Newspaper, in which he criticised the profit-oriented management of Kino Bistrica. The arguments within this article are analysed in an upcoming book on Kino Bistrica’s history which was prepared within the context of Lumbardhi’s research programme ‘Kinofiguration’. 

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